My kids are awesome!

My kids are awesome!

Hey everyone! I have felt like my posts have been sort of down lately, but I am just shedding a...

Hey everyone!

I have felt like my posts have been sort of down lately, but I am just shedding a small light and getting real into the daily trials we are facing raising our kids.  I thought I would tell you all how awesome and amazing my kids are and what great people they are!

My oldest- She is so patient and kind, she has more patience than anyone I know. She does so well with my son and can keep him calm and not over stimulated.  She is smart and such a hard worker; she has taken it upon herself to help us take care of her grandma (my mom) and she takes a weekend every month.

My second oldest- She is so free spirited and fun.  She has moved to San Diego and that is her place, she has always loved the beach and wants to live anywhere near one.  She is such a hard worker as well and has been so much help to me with the younger kids.

My oldest son- Where do I start? He is crazy. Haha. I am not using that in a medical term, as my therapist says, “we do not like that word”.  He is on the go 24/7 and can never sit still, mostly due to his ADHD but either way I don’t think he could sit still.  He loves to talk to anyone and everyone and can tell you more about any car than you would ever want to know.  If you meet him, everyone loves him.

My twin girl- She is so creative and pretty.  She is such an amazing artist and is very good at makeup, I am pretty sure she has watched every YouTube tutorial out there on makeup.  She is so social and has a lot of friends, she is nice to everyone and everyone gravitates to be her friend.

My twin boy- He is so funny! He makes me laugh every single day. He is a teddy bear and is so sweet. He worries a lot about his mom and him and I have a bond that we can feel when the other is anxious or just not themselves.  He asks me every day how my day at work was! He is smart and loves to read and learn about anything.

My baby girl- She is not so much a baby anymore but will always be the baby.  She is so smart and always makes the A/B honor roll.  She is so easy going and has always been so easy, even as a baby she was so good.  We always said the Lord blessed us with an easy one at the end to give us a break. Haha. She has many friends and loves hanging out with her family!

I cannot tell you how blessed we are that we were chosen to be their parents!! They all came into our family in different ways and I am truly thankful that I get to call them mine.


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