She Shed

She Shed

Happy Summer Everyone!!! As you can see, I have taken some time off and need to get back to my...

Happy Summer Everyone!!! As you can see, I have taken some time off and need to get back to my love of writing and sharing my personal experiences.  This summer has been full of fun, relaxing, family and changes.  My oldest daughter and her husband came to live with us this summer and will return this month to finish their last year of college.  I seriously do not know what I am going to do without her here……she is amazing and helps me so much with the other kids and driving them around, cooking, cleaning, laundry, organizing, etc.!!! How can I replace that?? It has been a lot of fun having them here and I keep telling her they are moving back after college, BECAUSE I SAID SO!! Haha.  My second oldest decided to move out on her own and has moved to Carlsbad to live with her boyfriend.  She is my free spirit who loves adventure, to travel and must live by a beach!  We saw her darling place this week and she is loving decorating her own place and I’m sure the roommates love having a girls touch to make their place nice.  I miss her so much, but she better come visit her mom all the time!! It is so weird as your kids start to grow up and leave home, you want them to stay and keep them safe from the world forever. 

My twins turned 16 last month so I am officially a house full of teenage hormones.  Lord help us all!! I guess that is why after 24 years of marriage and 22 years of kids I finally decided I needed my own room- I made me a SHE SHED!!!!! (Please don’t burn down. Haha). With both my older girls gone I have turned our Casita into an office i.e., babe cave or she shed. My poor husband does have to put up with it though because it is an office for both of us, but it will be my escape and solace. I will show you pics as soon as it is all done and decorated!! It already has the mini fridge stocked with diet coke and two chicks, what more could a woman need?  I’m super excited to have a place to go and write and hopefully have more time to update the blog. I still have so many topics I want to touch on and so many personal experiences to share and hopefully help someone along the way. We just got back from our cruise last week and it was amazing, I will do a follow up and talk about how we prepared my son because I had promised a follow up after my post on traveling with kids that have sensory issues as well as I want to share with you some of my must have summer mom items!

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